Payment & Security


Sheliss acknowledges online installments utilizing significant charge and Visas, including MasterCard, Visa, Maestro, and American Express, Paypal.

Kindly don't email us your charge or Mastercard data. We can't be considered liable for any misfortune that may happen in the event that you incorporate card data in an email.


This Security Payment Policy states how made sure about your charge/Visa is with Sheliss when you buy a product(s) on this site.

All credit and charge cardholders are dependent upon approval and approval by Sheliss and the card backer. We are focused on keeping up the most elevated level of security and insurance against extortion. We keep awake to-date with the most recent in security innovations to guarantee that your Visa and platinum card data, contact data and delivery/charging data are private and safe. The site forms exchanges utilizing made sure about and confided in doors of driving banks in a safe domain. Clients would now be able to utilize a made sure about bank related with us likewise utilize a 3D secure framework, the framework was imagined to maintain a strategic distance from NOC (No Card Present) misrepresentation plans.

Sheliss has played it safe so as to ensure the most ideal security for your own information while paying on the web. Along these lines, every single individual datum, similar to name, address, or your charge card number are scrambled with the goal that it may not be perused while moved through the web.